Chevon Clarke
Serving in Aguascalientes, Mexico
Chevon Clarke has served in Aguascalientes since 1999. She is a graduate of the Horizon School of Evangelism in 1997. Chevon’s main ministry focus is serving as the director of women’s discipleship, ushers and greeters, and a shelter for battered and abused women at Calvary Chapel Aguascalientes.
Chevon is the Founder and Director of a non-profit association which advocates change in the area of domestic violence, helping to establish laws and to raise up Mexican institutions funded by and staffed by Mexican nationals to help families in crisis. She has been able to get 2 laws passed: one Federal and one State.
She has helped to establish: (1) a women’s shelter and safe house— staffed by attorneys, psychologists, and social workers; (2) a work-training center for mom’s so they can work from home while raising their kids; and finally – (3) our first attempt at a Family Justice Center which just opened in May of 2016.
Please pray for open doors that would expand the reach of evangelism among the many women, children, and family members affected by domestic violence.
Horizon Christian Fellowship
PO Box 231150
San Diego, CA 92193
Horizon Christian Fellowship
PO Box 231150
San Diego, CA 92193
(Please make checks payable to Horizon Christian Fellowship and write “Chevon Clarke” in memo)
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