Sunday Morning Service Archive

Phillip MacIntosh

February 9th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 2nd

Phillip MacIntosh

January 26th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 19th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 12th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 5th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 29th

Christmas Eve 2024

Phillip MacIntosh

December 15th

Cesar Gervasi

December 8th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 1st

Phillip MacIntosh

November 24th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 17th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 10th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 3rd

October 27th

Cesar Gervasi

October 20th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 13th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 6th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 29th

September 22nd

Phillip MacIntosh

September 15th

September 8th

Cesar Gervasi

September 1st

Phillip MacIntosh

August 25th

Cesar Gervasi

August 18th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 11th

Cesar Gervasi

August 4th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 28th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 21st

Phillip MacIntosh

July 14th

Cesar Gervasi

July 7th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 31st 2024

Phillip MacIntosh

Fathers Day 2024

Phillip MacIntosh

June 9th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 2nd

Phillip MacIntosh

May 26th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 19th

Phillip MacIntosh

Mothers Day 2024

Phillip MacIntosh

May 5th

Phillip MacIntosh

April 28th

Cesar Gervasi

April 21st

Phillip MacIntosh

April 14th

Phillip MacIntosh

April 7th

Phillip MacIntosh

Easter Sunday 2024

Phillip MacIntosh

March 24th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 17th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 10th 2024

Phillip MacIntosh

March 3rd

Phillip MacIntosh

February 25th 2024

Phillip MacIntosh

February 18th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 11th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 4th

Cesar Gervasi

January 28th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 21st

January 14th

January 7th

Cesar Gervasi

December 31st

Phillip MacIntosh

Christmas Eve 2023

Phillip MacIntosh

December 17th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 10th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 23rd

Phillip MacIntosh

November 26th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 19th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 12th

Cesar Gervasi

November 5th

October 29th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 22nd

Phillip MacIntosh

October 15th

Cesar Gervasi

October 8th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 1st

Phillip MacIntosh

September 24th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 17th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 10th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 3rd

Phillip MacIntosh

August 13th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 6th

July 30th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 23rd

Phillip MacIntosh

July 16th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 9th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 3rd

Cesar Gervasi

June 25th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 18th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 11th

June 4th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 28th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 21st

Phillip MacIntosh

May 14th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 7th

April 30th

Phillip MacIntosh

April 23rd

Phillip MacIntosh

April 16th

Phillip MacIntosh

April 9th 2023

Phillip MacIntosh

April 2nd

Phillip MacIntosh

March 26th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 19th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 12th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 5th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 26th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 19th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 12th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 5th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 29th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 22nd

Phillip MacIntosh

January 15th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 8th

Cesar Gervasi

January 1st

Phillip MacIntosh

Christmas Eve

December 18th

December 11th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 4th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 27th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 20th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 13th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 6th

Cesar Gervasi

October 30th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 23rd

Phillip MacIntosh

October 16th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 9th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 2nd

Phillip MacIntosh

September 25th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 18th

Cesar Gervasi

September 4th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 28th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 21st

August 14th

August 7th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 31st

Phillip MacIntosh

July 24th

Cesar Gervasi

July 17th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 10th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 3rd

Phillip MacIntosh

June 26th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 19th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 12th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 5th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 29th

May 22nd

Phillip MacIntosh

May 15th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 8th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 1st

Phillip MacIntosh

April 24th

Phillip MacIntosh

Good Friday

Phillip MacIntosh

April 10th

Phillip MacIntosh

April 3rd

Phillip MacIntosh

March 27th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 20th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 13th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 6th

Cesar Gervasi

February 27th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 20th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 15th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 6th

January 30th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 23rd

Phillip MacIntosh

January 16th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 9th

Cesar Gervasi

January 2nd

Phillip MacIntosh

December 24th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 19th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 12th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 5th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 28th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 21st

Phillip MacIntosh

November 14th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 7th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 31st

Mike MacIntosh

October 26th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 17th

Cesar Gervasi

October 10th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 3rd

Phillip MacIntosh

September 26th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 19th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 12th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 5th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 29th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 22nd

Phillip MacIntosh

August 15th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 8th

Cesar Gervasi

August 1st

Phillip MacIntosh

July 25th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 18th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 11th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 27th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 20th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 13th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 6th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 30th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 23rd

Phillip MacIntosh

May 16th

Mike MacIntosh

May 9th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 2nd

Phillip MacIntosh

April 25th

Phillip MacIntosh

April 18th

Phillip MacIntosh

April 11th

Phillip MacIntosh

Easter 2021

Phillip MacIntosh

Good Friday 2021

Phillip MacIntosh

March 28th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 21st

Phillip MacIntosh

March 14th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 7th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 28th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 21st

Phillip MacIntosh

February 14th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 7th

Cesar Gervasi

January 31st

Cesar Gervasi

January 24th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 17th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 10th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 3rd

Phillip MacIntosh

December 27th

December 25th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 20th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 13th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 6th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 29th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 23rd

Phillip MacIntosh

November 15th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 8th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 1st

Phillip MacIntosh

October 25th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 18th

October 11th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 4th

Cesar Gervasi

September 27th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 20th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 13th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 6th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 30th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 23rd

Phillip MacIntosh

August 16th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 9th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 2nd

Phillip MacIntosh

July 26th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 19th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 12

Phillip MacIntosh

July 5th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 28th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 21st

Phillip MacIntosh

June 14th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 7th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 31st

Phillip MacIntosh

May 24th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 17th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 3rd

Phillip MacIntosh

April 26th

Phillip MacIntosh

April 19th

Good Friday – 6:30PM Service at Home / Easter Sunday – 10AM Service at Home

Good Friday

Phillip MacIntosh

April 5th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 29th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 22nd

Phillip MacIntosh

March 15th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 8th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 1st

Phillip MacIntosh

February 23rd

Phillip MacIntosh

February 16th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 9th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 2nd

Cesar Gervasi

January 26th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 19th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 12th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 5th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 29th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 25th

December 22nd

Phillip MacIntosh

December 15th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 8th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 1st

Phillip MacIntosh

November 24th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 17th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 10th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 27th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 20th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 13th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 6th

Cesar Gervasi

September 29th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 22nd

Phillip MacIntosh

September 15th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 8th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 1st

Phillip MacIntosh

August 25th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 11th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 4th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 28th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 21st

Phillip MacIntosh

July 14th

Cesar Gervasi

July 7th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 30th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 23rd

Phillip MacIntosh

June 16th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 9th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 2nd

Phillip MacIntosh

May 19th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 12th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 5th

Phillip MacIntosh

April 28th

Easter 2017

April 21st

Phillip MacIntosh

April 14th

Phillip MacIntosh

April 7th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 31st

Phillip MacIntosh

March 23rd

Phillip MacIntosh

March 17th

Cesar Gervasi

March 10th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 3rd

Phillip MacIntosh

February 24th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 17th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 10th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 3rd

Cesar Gervasi

January 27th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 13th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 6th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 30th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 24th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 23rd

Phillip MacIntosh

December 16th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 9th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 2nd

Phillip MacIntosh

November 25th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 18th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 11th

Cesar Gervasi

November 4th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 28th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 21st

Phillip MacIntosh

October 14th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 7th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 30th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 23rd

Cesar Gervasi

September 9th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 2nd

Phillip MacIntosh

August 26th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 19th

August 12th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 5th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 29th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 22nd

Phillip MacIntosh

July 8th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 1st

Phillip MacIntosh

June 24th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 17th

June 10th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 3rd

Phillip MacIntosh

May 20th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 13th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 6th

Phillip MacIntosh

April 29th

Cesar Gervasi

April 22nd

Phillip MacIntosh

April 15th

Phillip MacIntosh

April 8th

Phillip MacIntosh

April 1st

Phillip MacIntosh

March 25th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 11th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 4th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 25th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 18th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 11th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 28th

Cesar Gervasi

January 21st

Phillip MacIntosh

January 14th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 7th

December 31st

Phillip MacIntosh

December 24th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 17th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 10th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 3rd

Phillip MacIntosh

November 26th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 19th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 12th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 5th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 29th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 22nd

Phillip MacIntosh

October 15th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 8th

Phillip MacIntosh

October ist

Phillip MacIntosh

September 24th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 17th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 10th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 27th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 20th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 13th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 6th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 30th

July 23rd (Charlie Campbell)

Phillip MacIntosh

July 16th

Cesar Gervasi

July 9th

Cesar Gervasi

July 2nd

Phillip MacIntosh

June 25th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 18th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 11th

Cesar Gervasi

June 4th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 28th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 21st

Phillip MacIntosh

May 14th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 7th

Phillip MacIntosh

April 30th

Easter 2017

Easter Sunday

Good Friday 2017

Good Friday

Phillip MacIntosh

April 9th

Phillip MacIntosh

April 2nd

Phillip MacIntosh

March 26

Phillip MacIntosh

March 19th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 12th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 5th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 26th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 12th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 5th

Cesar Gervasi

January 29th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 22nd

Phillip MacIntosh

January 15th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 8th

Phillip MacIntosh

January 1st

Phillip MacIntosh

December 25th

Phillip MacIntosh

December 4th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 27th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 20th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 13th

Phillip MacIntosh

November 6th

Cesar Gervasi

October 30th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 23rd

Phillip MacIntosh

October 16th

Phillip MacIntosh

October 9th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 25th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 18th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 11th

Phillip MacIntosh

September 4th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 28th

Phillip MacIntosh

August 21st

Phillip MacIntosh

August 7th

Cesar Gervasi

July 31st

Phillip MacIntosh

July 24th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 17th

Phillip MacIntosh

July 10th

July 3rd (Jaime Foote)

June 26th (Dr. Alex Philip)

Phillip MacIntosh

June 19th

Phillip MacIntosh

June 12th

Out of Egypt Seminar (June 5)

Out of Egypt Testimony (June 5)

Phillip MacIntosh

May 29th

Cesar Gervasi

May 22nd

Phillip MacIntosh

May 15th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 8th

Phillip MacIntosh

May 1st

April 24th (Wes Bentley)

Phillip MacIntosh

April 17th

Phillip MacIntosh

April 10th

Phillip MacIntosh - Easter

Easter 2016

Phillip MacIntosh - Easter

Good Friday 2016

Phillip MacIntosh

March 20th

Phillip MacIntosh

March 6th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 28th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 14th

Phillip MacIntosh

February 7th

Cesar Gervasi

November 8th

Cesar Gervasi

September 27th