Update regarding COVID19/CORONAVIRUS
Good afternoon HCF,
You may have heard the recent announcement from our Governor and State Health Department regarding large gatherings and the potential spread of the COVID 19/Coronavirus. They are strongly encouraging churches and other groups to postpone services and gatherings.
First, we need to remember that our God is in control and we can’t be overcome by fear.God desires to use His church during these times and we need to be prayed-up, in our Bibles and relying on His leading. This is an opportunity for us to display what walking in faith and depending on Jesus looks like.
We will be sending out regular updates on what services, events, and core groups will look like. Please, check-in and stay connected.
For this coming Sunday we will adhere to the recommended guidelines and will be hosting a livestream service on the www.hcf.org website and the Horizon Facebook page. This means for this Sunday we will not gather in person at the Four Points. Please, make every effort to join us on-line and if you are aware of any within the church that don’t have the capabilities of participating on-line, please reach out to them and invite them to join you. This will be a live service with worship, message and a time of interaction for those who might watch on the HCF Facebook page. Our prayer is for God to unify us through His Spirit even though we may not be together in-person for this Sunday.
Here is a quick breakdown for what’s coming up:
Tuesday Morning Prayer Group 3/17
- Postponed for this week
Tuesday Lunch Bible Study 3/17
- Postponed for this week
- Both Tuesday night & Wednesday morning will not be meeting
- Check back for an update on next weeks MIDWEEK service
Core Groups 3/16-3/22
- Core Groups will not be meeting in person
- Our Core groups will gather through live video chat
- If you currently attend, you can visit the below link for instructions on how to join in: Live Video Chat Core Groups
Sunday service 3/22
- Currently restrictions are still in place for large gatherings
- Check back during the week to see if things have changed
- On-line, live service at 10am
- Worship
- Message and time for interaction
- www.hcf.org
- HCF Facebook page
HCF Base Camp:
- Office will be open and maintaining normal hours
- Please come by or call if you need anything
God is good and He’s got us!
Pastor Phillip