Mens & Women’s Bible Study

Current study starts on, April 14th & 15th and will conclude on May 20th.


Wednesdays @ 6:30PM
Room 208

The Men’s Bible Study is on Wednesday evenings as we worship together, hear teaching from the Pastoral Team, and share in small group discussions together. Each week “homework” assignments are given to provide men with the opportunity to go more in-depth from the teaching and invest time into their own personal spiritual growth.

Click here to visit our Rooted Men’s Ministry site


Tuesdays @ 6:30PM & Wednesday Mornings @ 9:30AM
Room 701

The Women’s Bible Study is offered during two different times to allow for women of all walks of life the opportunity to participate. Join us Tuesday evenings or Wednesday mornings as we worship together, hear teaching from Sandy & Bethany MacIntosh, and share in small group discussions together. Each week “homework” assignments are given to provide women with the opportunity to go more in-depth from the teaching and invest time into their own personal spiritual growth.

We would love for you to join us!

Childcare is available for the Women’s Ministry.

Click here to visit the Renew Women’s Ministry site