Clothing Exchange
June 1st (for Ladies & Kids)
6:00–8:00pm // HCF Café
Bring gently-worn women’s or kids’ clothing* to exchange, or just pick some clothes to take home!
Clothing can be dropped off at Pastoral Care on Friday, 5/27, Tuesday, 5/31, or in the labeled bin on Sunday, 5/29 (outside of the gym). Invite your friends!
*No torn, stained clothes or undergarments.
Summer Nights
June 29 | July 20 | August 31
6:30–8:30pm // Room 701
Come and enjoy three special nights of encouragement and fellowship just for women.*
These are great opportunities to invite friends and family!
Coffee and dessert will be served.
On these nights, the men, youth*, and kids will also be meeting.
•Youth meets at 5:30pm by the Gym for Bay Nights.
Beach Days
July 12 & 26 / Aug 9 & 23 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)
10:00am–2:00pm // La Jolla Shores
Bring a lunch, towel, your Bible, and come join us for fun in the sun! Kids are welcome too! We’ll do a short, sweet study through the book of Philemon.
Look for the yellow HCF flag across from the playground between Lifeguard Stations 30 & 31.
Questions? Contact Kristen Hyler / (760) 215-5445