La Palabra
Servicio en Español
Los Domingos a las 11:00AM
En el Auditorio con el Pastor Cesar Gervasi
Deseas crecer en tu Fe en Cristo y conectarte con otros creyentes en Español? Nuestro ministerio en Español busca alcanzar con el evangelio de Jesucristo a muchos otras personas de habla hispana, discipulandolos en Cristo y ayudándoles a encontrar el propósito de sus vidas en El.
Spanish Service
Sundays @ 11:00AM
In the Auditorium with Pastor Cesar Gervasi
If you have a desire to grow in the Lord and His word, serve Jesus and connect with other believers in Español, please come and join us. Our goal as a Spanish Ministry is to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ those whose primary language is Spanish in our community, and help them to find the unique calling and purpose that God has for their lives in Him, as we serve Him and others.
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