Robin Miller
Serving the Lord in Tel Aviv, Israel
The Lord has called Robin to return to Israel to serve alongside Stephen and Patricia Apple with Calvary Chapel Tel Aviv. There she will minister by serving the women and children of the congregation, helping with their soup kitchen and clothing ministry for the homeless, and simply loving the people of Israel as Jesus loves us unconditionally.
Current Prayer Requests:
•For her family and friends to know fully God’s love for us
•For favor in entering the country, for no challenges obtaining re-entry visas
•She wants to be a solid and true witness of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to draw people to Him and not away from Him.
Contact info:
Horizon Christian Fellowship
5331 Mt. Alifan Dr.
San Diego, CA 92111
Horizon Christian Fellowship
5331 Mt. Alifan Dr.
San Diego, CA 92111
(Make checks payable to Horizon
Christian Fellowship with Robin Miller
in memo)
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