Our 40th annual Thanksgiving Outreach is almost here!

The Thanksgiving Day Outreach is one of our favorite things to host as a church. Every year seems to get better and it truly is amazing to see the community love and serve each other.

If you’re able to serve, donate, or just wanting to find information on attending, please see the 3 opportunities below!

Thanksgiving 2014 - 10
Thanksgiving 2014 - 12
Thanksgiving 2014 - 11
Thanksgiving 2014 - 1
Thanksgiving 2014 - 4
Thanksgiving 2014 - 6
Thanksgiving 2014 - 13
Thanksgiving 2014 - 7
Thanksgiving 2014 - 3
Thanksgiving 2014 - 2
Thanksgiving 2014 - 9
Thanksgiving 2014 - 5
Thanksgiving 2014 - 8
Photos courtesy of Mark Shreves